Welcome Khmer Housewife This is a Khmer fanatic in this Website, I want to show you a delicious Khmer dishes! Get away from foreign cuisine and know how to combine ingredients, how to mix things and how to do it. 


- Pumpkin 200 grams

Sour milk with 200 grams of sugar

Condensed milk 30 to 40 ml.

Step 1:

- Pumpkin cut into small pieces, boiled and left to cool.

Step 2:

Cool the pumpkin and refrigerate until frozen.

Step 3:

- Grind frozen pumpkin and yogurt

When the pumpkin adds condensed milk, we grind for another 2-3 minutes.

Step 4:

Put the cream in a sealed box and put it in the refrigerator for 2 hours to eat.