Welcome Khmer Housewife This is a Khmer fanatic in this Website, I want to show you a delicious Khmer dishes! Get away from foreign cuisine and know how to combine ingredients, how to mix things and how to do it. 

៙ Ingredients:

1- 300 ml of sour milk (about 3 boxes)

2- 150 ml canned coconut paste bought at the market or supermarket

3- 150 ml condensed milk

4- 5 leaves

5-Roasted peanuts at will

6- Coconut flesh scratched into fibers

7- 4 bananas

៙ How to do:

1- 1 banana, cut into 3 or 4 pieces

2. Take the tea leaves to grind and take only water.

3- Mix sour milk, condensed milk and coconut milk in a large bowl.

4- Put the mixed pancakes in the ice cream box, then put a layer of bananas and peanuts, grated coconut, do this until all.

5- Keep peanuts, coconut fiber and some coconut paste to put on top, put a lot of coconut paste on top so that peanuts and coconut meat do not fall Fiber while we eat.

6- Put it in the refrigerator for 4 hours (depending on some refrigerators, it will freeze for 2 hours).